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  • I've been seeing Linda for nearly 3 yrs and found that the encouragement she gave me, I was able to change some matters that I thought I could never change. Her strength and being so involved with the LGBT community. Gave me more positive strength. (5 stars)

    - John Doe
  • Linda is a wonderful trauma-sensitive therapist. She is able to create asafe container and gently holds space for you. She always validated thereality and struggle while also concentrating on the positive, maintaininga focus on the wins and encouraging continued progress. 5 stars

    - Haik
  • I could not more highly recommend Linda as a therapist. I startedworking with Linda during the height of the pandemic after having justlost both my mother and beloved dog, just a few months apart. My fatherhad died 3 years prior to mom's passing. As a single, only childwithout other family, I became my mother's only caregiver whilemaintaining a stressful, full time job. Until mom's physical needsmandated professional caregivers, I felt very isolated and was spiralinginto a deep depression. I had also recently gone thru a difficultromantic break-up and didn't feel I had the bandwidth to process any ofthe loss and grief that I was feeling. I reached out to Linda and ourwork began.Immediately, Linda proved herself to be a great listener and offeredpractical tools for me to embrace and integrate into my life. From theloss of a romantic relationship to managing severe depression aboutfriends who just didn't show up for me when I needed them -- Linda wasTHE calm and rational voice in my life. Linda is empathy personified andunderstood how best to communicate with my often stubborn self so that Icould really hear the advice. While floods of tears were a normal thingfor me in our sessions, if not in my life, I never felt judged butrather encouraged to do the work to get thru the waves of grief. I cameto absolutely look forward to our once a week appointments because Iknew she created a safe space where I could just BE and learn abouttools that would help me navigate my post family world. Linda's sageadvice is pulled from, among other places: her own life wisdom, currentmedical studies, processing tools, meditation and great bookrecommendations.She also found me an incredible LGBTQ grief group to attend with otherLGBTQ folks grieving the loss of loved ones which helped me connect withother grief survivors going through something similar. I had nevertried group therapy before but the combination of that plus Linda's workwith me-- honestly changed my life for the better. Collectively, withLinda's therapy leading the charge, she really taught me things thatallowed me to lift myself out of the darkest place/time of my life. As aresult, I started implementing better boundaries in my own life bothprofessionally and personally, prioritizing my time and own health inways that I really hadn't since before dad passed away YEARS before.I also don't think it is a coincidence that because of my work withLinda, where we spent a lot of time working through my previous romanticrelationship trauma, I emerged feeling better about myself and got intoa healthy place that I absolutely believe made me ready to attract andmeet a healthy partner. I was lucky to meet my life partner during mywork with Linda. I'm now happily engaged to my soon to be wife. Ishould also note, I didn't grow up in a family that embraced or evertried therapy and it took me later in life to see the value of therapyand truly embrace it. I'm so grateful that Linda proved to be such astrong, positive guiding light in my journey to continue to work onbecoming my best self. I owe her a great debt of gratitude and highlyencourage anyone-- especially those dealing with the emotional depths ofgrief, depression and isolation-- to work with Linda so you too canchart healthier and better next life chapters.

    Show More - Tracy M

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